Energy and climate change

Team Leader & Privatization Advisor, Global Environment Facility (GEF) Review of Climate Change Enabling Activities, World Bank

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Assisted the GEF review and improve public-private initiatives aimed at mitigation of climate change impacts, such as planning, capacity building, institutional strengthening, training, research, and education. Mr. Bando focused on country and national obligations under various international agreements. The team collected information on each countries climate change activities in relation to GEF guidelines and milestones through twelve country visits, five country case studies, and two regional case studies. The final recommendations were discussed with GEF, World Bank, UN, and other agencies to devise strategic policy; the recommendations were implemented.

Under Energy and climate change

Phone: +301 325 7212 (USA), +33 (0)6 79 64 59 71 (France)
A member of Bando Santangelo Associates, LLC